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10.000 Hours To Master A Skill

Hi there! Your local author is back! Full of inspiration, full of energy, full of articles and ideas. So as you can see, in today's topic we'll discuss the art of mastering anything! Ready? Go!

The Art Of Being A Master

To begin with, when I say ''master'' I mean being an expert with any subject. So before I get into the truth behind having an excellent ability to do something I want you to think what you think makes someone a master...
Is it
A) The hard work?
B) The passion?
C) The patience?
D) The faith?
E) All of them?

If you thought of an answer from A) to D), sorry but you're wrong. The correct answer is ''all of them'' and there's no doubt. Even though these are critical characteristics to master something there's something more. Let's say someone practices a skill with all of the above requirements every day for 6 hours, while someone else practices the same skill with the same effort for 3 hour every day. In 2 years from now, the first person would have spent almost 2.000 hours while the second one almost 1000 hours.
So if you want to be brilliant in something, you really need to put in some serious work and time. 

Some More Tips!

I know what are you thinking right now. This sounds a lot like burning out and don't giving yourself the permission to breathe. I mean, yeah, talking about all those hours and pushing is too overwhelming and it surely looks like a huge mountain. But it's not like this. From my experience, the beginning of learning a new skill is the most difficult part. So how to begin?

Just Start

Also, this article written by me will surely give you the motive to do that first damn move. Everything else will come from time to time! To end with, there's no doubt that someone can learn a skill before the 10.000 hours (which equals with almost 1 year). The point is that like businessess, it will take a lot of time to see the results of your hard work and persistence and to be able to teach a skill to a beginner. As Warren Buffet said: “No matter how great the talent or efforts, some things just take time. You can't produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant.”


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Hello everyone, I am a new blogger and I made this blog to talk about things that interest me. Although I can't keep secret to you the fact that my biggest goal is to reach a big audience. I always liked working from home and I always knew that I have a talent and a passion writing. So I am going to try my best to make posts that you like so I can make my dream come true, earning an income from my blog enough to live a life on my own terms.  Please, if you like my content don't be afraid to like it and share it with your friends, it would make my day! So, let's begin our beautiful journey!!!